Virginia Cooper is a retired community college instructor. She has always encouraged her students to see the real-world value in their education, and now, she wants to spread that message as wide as possible. Her hope is that Learn a Living will be a go-to resource for adult learners embarking on starting, continuing, or finishing their education.

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How To Start a Business That Doesn't Involve E-Commerce
You're ready to start a business for yourself, yet you're not at all interested in selling things online. E-commerce simply holds no appeal for you. Don't worry. There are plenty of other options for your new business. Read on to discover some ideas and learn how to get started on this new chapter in your life.
Business Options
Your choice of a business depends on your skills and interests. If you have a knack for writing or teaching, consider starting a business as a freelance writer or tutor (online or in-person). If you enjoy working with children, open a daycarefacility, or if pets are more your speed, start a job as a pet sitter or dog walker. Maybe you enjoy cleaning. If so, start a residential or commercial cleaning service. If you prefer to be outside, build a landscaping company.
Business Structure
After you've decided what you want to do, think about your business structure. The easiest structure to start with is a simple sole proprietorship. If you're taking on a partner, explore the various partnerships available, and research the differences between them.
As your business grows, you may consider forming a limited liability company. This structure can give you some tax benefits as well as greater flexibility and the advantage of limited personal liability if something goes wrong. Rules and regulations for LLCs vary from state to state, so read up before moving ahead. Consider hiring a formation service to save yourself a lot of paperwork and heavy legal fees.
Business Funding
Sometimes starting a business requires some upfront funding. You may need to rent an office space or purchase a new computer or supplies. You can dip into your savings if you have enough, or research small business loans or grants. Be sure that you fully understand all the terms before you take out a loan, though, and carefully consider the requirements for grants. Also, be meticulously accurate in your applications for both options.
Business Marketing
When your business is set up (complete with a detailed business plan) and funded, it's time to start marketing. Create a website and set up social media pages, but don't neglect to advertise in local newspapers, print up business cards, put up posters, and spread the news by word of mouth. As you gain clients or customers, start an email list, and consider offering some customer rewards to keep them coming back.
Business Workspace
As your business shifts into high gear, you need a good place to work. If your business is primarily computer-based, you can probably work out of your home. Set up a space in a quiet room where you can shut the door and be free from distractions. Bring in a properly sized desk, a comfortable office chair, and some storage to get you started. You can add decorative touches later.
Business Success
Starting a business can be frightening and, at times, overwhelming. However, your new business can flourish if you plan well and put in the time and effort.
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